• The testing engineer shall make himself known to the person responsible for Health and Safety at the testing site.
  • The testing will be carried out under the IEE's 'Code Of Practice For In-Service Inspection And Testing'.

I. Inspection

II. Testing

II Labelling And Documentation

  • Inspection

    Flex: Will be inspected for any damage i.e is it free from cuts, fraying or stress

    Plug: the plugtop will be opened to ensure that the flexible cable is secure in its anchorage and correctly wired. That the fuse is of the correct rating for the appliance and it is free from any sign of overheating and in physically good condition.

    The Appliance: is the appliance in good working order does it switch on and off properly? The casing or cabinet will be inpescted to ensure there is no damage that could result in access to live parts.

  • Testing

    I. Earth Continuity Test.

    II. Insulation Resistance Test.

    III. Operational Test. (if possible)

    IV. Earth Leakage Test.

  • Labelling / Certification

    A label will be attached to the appliance with the appliances own ID and "retest due" date. This label will be of the type "mark and seal". You will also receive comprehensive data sheets / certification of the appliances tested showing their location and electrical status. The data collated during our visit can also be supplied as an Excel spreadsheet for easy access via your desktop pc, at no extra cost.